Bela Achaibar
Tina Addison | Watercolor
Emma Aiken | Acrylic, Watercolor, Jewelry, Graphics, Pen, Multimedia
Catalyna Alexopolous
Andrew Ark
Virginia Bard | Fiber Arts
Darlene Bergeron-Burns | Acrylic, Watercolor, Collage, Pen/Ink
Nancy Birmingham | Acrylic, Pen/Ink, Watercolor
David Bogia | Photography
Alice Briggs | Greeting cards, Drawing, Watercolor
Lize Brown
Jamie Brelsford | Acrylic
Dennis Burke | Photography
Anna Burns | Acrylic, Watercolor
Charlotte Burns | Acrylic, Oil, Pen & Ink, Watercolor Pencil
Valentina Cacaj
Lisa Cain | Watercolor
Mary Anne Campbell | Pencil
Rosemary E. Chaban | Watercolor
Dianne Chagnon | Acrylic
Mari Champagne
Anne Cohen | Watercolor
John Collins | Oil, Sculpture
Jean E. Comerford | Oil, Sculpture, Charcoal, Pencil
Linda M. Daly | Acrylic, Watercolor, Fiber Arts
Malyna Dansereau
Elaine Darr-Morton | Photography
Rita Dietrich | Acrylic, Collage, Watercolor
Sue Dion | Pastel, Pen, Pencil, Watercolor
Maddison Dubois Wetherell
Suzanne Dudley | Collage, Pastel, Printmaking
Roger Duffy | Pen & Ink
Maurita Eaton | Graphics, Oil, S culpture
Lucia Foley | Watercolor, Acrylic
Denise Fontaine-Pincince | Mixed Media, Acrylic, Collage
Eads Fouche
Tom Fuller | Woodcarving
Terry Gallagher | Acrylic, Watercolor
Mary Gelezunas | Gouache/Colored Pencil, Oil
Katie George | Acrylic, Collage, Pastel
Lisa Goldberg | Charcoal, Graphite
Martha Green | Oil, Watercolor, Pastel, Pen & Ink, Sculpture
Rick Guimond | Dance
Nancy Hebert | Watercolor, Pastel, Photography
Carol Henriques | Oil, Pastel
Linda Herron| Acrylic, Collage & Fiber Arts
Maggie Hodges | Oil
Janet Howard| Clay, Watercolor, & Oils
Alan Izatt | Watercolor, Acrylic, Oil, Pencil
Anna Jacke | Oil, Watercolor, Mixed Media, Collage
Sophia Jakobson
Susan James | Oil
Susan Kendall | Watercolor, Pastel
Martin Kent | Charcoal, Jewelry, Sculpture
Terrance Kiernan | Acrylic
Susan LaBonte | Watercolor, Photography, Fiber Arts
Donald Longley | Metal Sculptures
Sarah Madison | Photography, Fiber Arts
Ariane Masterjohn
Carol Mays | Acrylic, Collage, Multimedia
Denise McQuiston | Collage
Amy Nyzio | Acrylic, Oil, Photography
Maureen Oldham | Acrylic, Oil, Watercolor
Jenezy Ortiz
Sarah Paradee
Cheryl Pelland-Lak | Watercolor
Beverly Phaneuf | Oil, Pastel
Kenneth Pincince | Photography
Nina Place | Acrylic, Oil, Pencil, Jewelry
Catherine M Plouffe | Acrylic, Collage, Photography
Mary Pols | Acrylic, Oil, Pastel
Rhaymi Porter
Linda Repasky | Photography, Fiber Arts
Melinda Rigney | Oil, Pastel, Pencil, Watercolor
Nancy Rose | Watercolor, Pen/Ink
Linda Rowland-Buckley | Watercolor
Donna Roy | Painting
Kathryn Ruhf | Watercolor
Georgie Runkle | Oil
Deborah Sacon | Oil, Watercolor, Pencil
Audrey L. F. Safford | Acrylic, Oil, Pencil
Christopher Sanabria
Ruth Sanderson | Oil, Pen/Ink, Watercolor
Orlando Santos (Izm Prizm) | Acrylic, Oil, Watercolor, Pastel, Pencil
Deserie Scheinost | Multimedia, Photography
Amy Schrom | Watercolor, Pen, Pencil
Joan Setkewich | Acrylic, Pastel, Ink, Watercolor
Erin Shabunin
Susan Shea | Photography, Watercolor, Pen & Ink
Angela Shenk | Watercolor, Pen, Photography, & Multimedia
Randi Shenkman | Photography
Rochelle Shicoff | Acrylic, Collage
Daniel Silberberg | Acrylic, Graphics Watercolor
Linda Snow | Oil, Watercolor
Kris Stanton | Acrylic, Collage, Pencil
Brendan Stecchini | Sculpture, Photography
Lori St. Pierre | Acrylic, Oil
Barbara Sullivan | Acrylic, Collage
Francis Sypek | Photography
Susan Tilton Pecora | Watercolor, Oil, Egg Tempera
Abigail Tolar | Acrylic, Watercolor, Multimedia
AJ Treat
Nhu Truong
Cali Van Leeuwen
Dana Volungis | Oil
Mary Weidensaul | Nature Printing, Collage, Watercolor
Christine H. White | Acrylic, Oil, Pastel, Pencil, Photography
Susanna White | Oil, Watercolor, Pastel, Charcoal, Pencil, Multimedia
Monica Winters | Pastel
Roma Wilk | Watercolor, Pastel, Photography, Charcoal, Pencil
Martina Williamson | Watercolor
Heeju Yoon
Chang Yu | Oil Pastel, Watercolor
Teresa W Zucker | Watercolor, Felting
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